, pub-3673040890781934, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Punjab State electricity Board has Notified the new pay scale on 15.10.2009.After the new pay notification the pay of the employee  has been increased by 20-30 %.The Notification is on the more or less similar to Punjab Govt pay notification.The main features of the Notification is Given under.
  1. The revised pay is applicable from 01.01.2006.
  2. The Payment date for Arrears from 01.01.2006 to 31.07.2009 will be decided at later stage.
  3. The new revised pay is payable to employee from 01.08.2009.
  4. Employee has been divided in Five running pay bands and in between them different Grade pay has been given to each post.However many post/designation has been bunched at same grade pay level.
  5. Now Basic pay has two component one is pay in pay Band and second is grade pay
  6. Grade pay will be part of Basic for all retirement and other benefits
  7. The Minimum Basic pay as per notification is 6650.
  8. Increment rate is 3 % on the Basic Pay .(pay in pay band and Grade pay )
  9. option one: person can opt new scale from the date of promotion ,on grant of TBPS or date of next increment which is beneficial to Him.but this option can not be exercised by the employees ,who have Joined after 01.01.2006.
  10. Option two: If increment date of the employee is Jan 2006 in that case employee can opt new scale before the Jan 2006 Increment and can draw increment in new pay scales.
  11. option three:As per para 11 at the time of the promotion one increment is allowed and next increment date will after 12 month however employee can opt for only grade pay on promotion and increment of promotion with regular increment on yearly increment that case increment month remain old.
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